Tuesday, November 6, 2007

The Upcoming Presidential Election

If there is one thing that truly does not interest me it is politics. I have never been interested in it and probably never will. I have taken some mild abuse for not voting in the past from fellow teachers and my father but my response is that it is a free country and if I choose not to vote then that is my right. I know, some of you are saying that so many places on Earth don't even have the right to vote, why would you not vote if you could. Again, it is my choice. I feel that I can choose not to vote because I do not complain about political issues. If I would complain about political issues then I think I would be compelled to vote. I have voted, but I do not always vote. I have always felt that elections are nothing more than which candidate can "brown-nose" the public more. Just because a candidate says he or she is going to do something does not mean they will! This is why I don't have much faith in electing the best individual for the job. So much of the election process is based on saying what the public wants to hear.

This will probably be the only post I have on politics, so take advantage of commenting!


mello.yello13 said...

I agree with waht you said about voting. I agree that it is your right. I know people who don't vote and that's their choice. It is a free contry after all.

Matt M.

Anonymous said...

Voting is your right.But because it is your right that means that you don't have to if you don't want to.Like you said they don't always keep their promises for example Bush him self has not keep some of his promises.They also see things differently tha what they did when they were running for that office. 11/12/07
Roman Volk

Anonymous said...

I agree. When I get older I do not what to vote because I might have to go in to court to be on the jury that's what my grandma had to. Brittany Epley