Wednesday, March 5, 2008

Illinois Organization!


The Illinois agencies need to get on the same page! They tell us that we have to take the ISAT tests during a certain week (this week) and then also have yesterday as a tornado drill day. Most schools in this area rescheduled the tornado drill. You would think that one of these groups would go to a state calendar(if there is such a thing) and check to see what was going on that week. It wasn't that big of deal but disorganization really annoys me! I'm not the only one. Several fellow teachers mentioned this in conversation yesterday. That is my complaint for the day. I guess I need to move my rubber band to the other wrist.


1 comment:

Roman Volk said...

Mr.Carey I have to agree with you that the people that are doing these things should be more organized it is the same as doing a project with out a plan as what to do first.Every time I do a partner project I always get stuck doing most of it and never knowing what my partner is going to do until the last minute. So you are right we do need to be more organized By:Roman Volk