Thursday, March 13, 2008

Being Healthy

"The only way to keep your health is to eat what you don't want, drink what you don't like, and do what you'd rather not." - Mark Twain

Isn't that the truth! I have been eating the way I should since November. Most days I don't mind but there are some days when I just crave a greasy-slimy-cholesterol filled meal. I don't eat like a Saint all the time but I only eat bad once a week or so. I do feel better, and I definitely look better, but you have to wonder sometimes whether or not it is worth it. Here's what I mean by that; If I ate what I wanted, when I wanted, I would be pretty darn happy all the time but I might not live as long. If I eat healthy, I do not enjoy food as much but I will live longer. I guess I look at it as me getting to spend as much time with my kids as possible (and hopefully grandkids). I think that is a good pay-off. Eating right and exercising is definitely a life style change but I am liking the way I am feeling though I still agree with Mark Twain.

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