Thursday, April 10, 2008

The Year is Wrapping Up

It is that time of year here at school. It is time to see what you can squeeze in between leaving early for track meets, assemblies, field trips, end of the year meetings, etc. It is a great time of year for me because it keeps me on my toes. What better way to get the adrenaline flowing than to see if you can adjust lesson plans on the fly! At a time in the year when it would be very easy to just get in a groove, and stay there, all the distractions make sure you stay on top of your game. I guess I am really asking for it next week. I will be in the middle of three different projects! I say "Bring it on!". There are roughly 35 days left of school and I intend for my students, and myself, to enjoy them and learn something in the process. Let's rock 'n' roll!

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