Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Projects, Projects, Projects Everywhere!

My room looks like a F5 tornado came through! I have solar system projects, and parts of projects, strewn throughout my room and it is driving me crazy! For those of you that don't know me I am a self-confessed neat freak about my room and desk. The projects are going to be wonderful, and the kids have put a lot of time and work into their projects, but my room is a disaster. It will probably take a day in class just to get it put back together and make sure that all the pieces of left over project picked up and/or thrown away. If the projects are as good as I think they are going to be then it will all be worth it.

The seventh graders are having to do some coping because of the mess. We are trying to get a blog project done in the middle of the war zone. They are coping well and my project-combat experience is coming in handy.

My high school class is also doing a project. It is one of my students' favorites. We are making roller coasters out of pipe insulation. We use a marble for the roller coaster car. They are enjoying it and like having all the room in the multipurpose room to work on it. We get into the math and how Newton's laws relate to it tomorrow so we will see how excited about it tomorrow. :)

I think all three classes are having a good time with the projects and learning quite a bit at the same time.

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