I am sitting here watching "Motherhood" which I thought was a comedy.
I guess it is but it sure is making me think. My kids are getting so
big. I don't know where the time has gone. My son just turned 12 and
my daughter is 8. My wife and I have been discussing where to send
our kids to high school which is really making me feel old; which is
fine because I still feel young. My son is acting more and more like
a teenager which is great because that is the age of kid I am used to
dealing with everyday. I am very thankful that he still loves to spend
time with me. My wife and I have to really work at finding a spare
minute together. We are constantly busy, like most people our age.
We were lucky enough to have two dates last week. It was nice to get
reaquainted with each other. As far as how fast our lives are going,
every year seems to faster and faster. I don't see my parents as
often as I should due to our busy lives and I do have concerns about
losing them without being connected. Doesn't everybody? We have just
brought a kitten into the busy Carey household and he has sure brought
a calmness and common interest to the family. I never thought that
my wife would ever want to have a pet let alone become so attached to
him. She sure loves that little guy. Quin, our kitten, is full of
energy and loves attention. Life is good! Enjoy it all!